Group Greets LIVE! takes Group Greets to a new, now level.  Many folks use Group Greets for a surprise, reveal versus our normal delivery to the recipient.  We think that is a great idea.

Now everyone at the ‘reveal/surprise’ whether it be wedding, anniversary, memorial, birthday party, etc can now instantly contribute and then see their contribution immediately integrated into the playback.  All from what everyone has – their smartphone.

So you won’t just enjoy the contributions to the Group Greet, you can even capture reactions and the fun going on at the ‘reveal/surprise’ and add them to the Group Greet in realtime.

You just start the GG Live playback and it will play forever!  With each playback, besides adding in the latest contributions and those previously added, will also remix the media and choose unique and different playback themes, effects and filters.  You’ll never be watching the same thing twice!

Forget the static slideshows or videos and let your group/friends shine, have fun and live on Group Greets Live!

A GGL is private with no social sites involved.  Once the event is over the Group Greet is taken down.


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